CS About (The multilingual Manual)

Please take your time to learn more about The Calendar of the Soul Online. It comes in three different versions:

  • The Main Calendar of the Soul for computers, tablets and smartphones,
  • The CS Booklet, mainly recommended for computers,
  • CS Lite, mainly recommended for smartphones and tablets.

    The easiest way to find out which one will suit you best, is to try them out.

    Find Copyright notices, Operating instructions and Troubleshhoting info farther below.

  • This manual was last updated 2025-02-19.  Print it directly or translate it first via Google Translate and print it there.



    Please note: When hitting the Translate button, the result will be a pure machine-translation provided by Google as is, which means its content may have to be regarded as possibly misguiding and offering nothing more than indications of the information contained on these pages.

    About The Calendar of the Soul
    "I regard the Calendar of the Soul as very important. For each consecutive week I have tried to draw up verses for meditation, the effect of which will enable the soul gradually to discover in itself and in its own experiences the connection with the great cosmic constellations.

    These formulae for meditation do in all reality lead the soul out of its narrow confines to experience of the heavens. I can assure you that the results of long, long occult investigations are contained in these 52 verses which will enable the soul to find access to happenings in the great universe and thereby to experience the Spirits working in the onward flow of Time.

    But if you ponder on the texts of the verses in the Calendar you will discern an element of Timelessness, in rhythmic alternation, an element that is experienced inwardly by the human being, the laws of which run parallel to those of Time in the outer world. Mere analogies do not suffice here.

    Each one of you will be able to use this Calendar of the Soul every year. In it you will find something that might be described as the finding of the path leading from the human soul to the living Spirit weaving through the Universe.

    The course of the year has its own life which the human soul can accompany and take part in. It may rightly find itself when such a sharing is sensitive to that which changes from week to week, and may feel how it gains strengthening forces from within. One will realize that such soul forces are waiting to be roused by participating in the meaning of the world's journeying and how it unfolds in the course of time. Thus one becomes aware of the delicate but vital threads that unite the soul with the world into which it is born."

    Rudolf Steiner
    About The Calendar of the Soul

    "In this calendar there is a verse for each week composed so that the soul can experience the appropriate part of the year's journey, and something of the life that can thrive in the soul when it is thus united.

    Then a healthy feeling of at-one-ness with the course of nature and a strong sense of self can develop, for undoubtedly, the soul bears a yearning to participate in the world's journeying by means of what these verses offer."
    Rudolf Steiner
    Preface of the second edition in 1918/19
    About The Calendar of the Soul Online
    [Rudolf] Steiner wanted no one to merely accept what was presented with blind faith; rather, he asked that everyone test what was offered and work in complete freedom with it. The philosophy that underlies the work of Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) embraces a profound understanding of the human being and of evolution. People are rightly mistrustful of doctrine or dogmatic teachings that claim solutions for personal and world problems. There is no such claim in the work of Rudolf Steiner, which he called Anthroposophy. On the contrary, in presenting the results of his research, he sought to awaken individuals to their own spiritual experiences and investigations and to encourage a greater attentiveness to the manifestations of the spirit in everyday life. He described pathways of inner development that can be followed by each individual in full freedom.

    Beautifully put by Laurence Harwood in "C.S. Lewis, My Godfather: Letters, Photos and Recollections", Copyright 2007 InterVarsityPress

    The Calendar of the Soul Online is a non-profit initiative residing in Sweden, an initiative that operates without commercial profit interests. The main mission of The Calendar of the Soul Online is to make way for a living and versatile relationship towards the Calendar of the Soul and (where applied) some other work offered by Rudolf Steiner and various individuals and organizations.

    The Calendar of the Soul Online is an automated, semi-automated and manually driven web based and mobile phone optimized application that consists of 52 meditational verses, aka The Verses of the Week or Weekly meditations, a selection of spiritual observations based on Rudolf Steiner's work, the anthroposophical path of knowledge.

    This online edition differs from the original booklet known as The Calendar of the Soul in that, in addition to Rudolf Steiner's original verses of The Calendar of the Soul, German: Anthroposophischer Seelenkalender, it contains a collection of translations in various languages as well as many additional sections containing quotes, affirmations as well as monthly, weekly and daily exercises and last but not least extensive information of a great variety about the whys, hows and whens of The Calendar of the Soul.

    The entire Calendar of the Soul Online is copyright © 1998 - 2025 The Calendar of the Soul Online & Marcel Solca, with this representing the respective copyrightholders who own their translations respectively translator's copyright as follows (alphabetical order):

    Antroposofiska Bokförlaget, The Anthroposophic Press, Arne Krohn Nielsen/Eivind Thomassen, Doorlie Gerdes, Durward J Starman, Editions Anthroposophiques Romandes, John F Gardner, John Salter, John Victor Roy/The Glasgow Steiner School, Lennart & Anne Marie Lundström, Marcel Solca, Marina Sagramora, Nora Rodríguez Galíndez, Ove Frankel, Pierre Paccoud, Roy Sadler, Rudolf Steiner Nachlass-Verwaltung, Rudolf Steiner Press and Tom Mellett.
    An extensive copyright notice can be found in the next section.

    This is also a good opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to all individuals, translators, publishers, authors, programmers, sharers of all kinds of knowledge, donators, communicators, visitors and many others (nor categorized nor mentioned, still remembered), who in one way or another contributed to The Calendar of the Soul Online throughout the years.

    All of you made it all possible!

    Marcel Solca
    The Calendar of the Soul Online
    Each verse contained in The Calendar of the Soul Online may be reprinted for personal use. Still, either the publishers or the translators are the owners of the copyright of The Calendar of the Soul Online content as mentioned below. Marcel Solca & The Calendar of the Soul Online are the co-owners of The Calendar of the Soul Online concept and dating plans, this manual, web coordination, programming and layout, graphics, CSS, Java, JQuery, VBScript and ASP (unless mentioned otherwise).

    Rudolf Steiner - Anthroposophischer Seelenkalender/Wochensprüche
    Copyright © Rudolf Steiner-Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach

    Creative Commons LicenseRudolf Steiner - Handschriften der Wochensprüche des Seelenkalenders
    Original Images Copyright © Rudolf Steiner-Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach
    Edited Graphics Copyright © 2012 The Calendar of the Soul Online, licensed under a Creative Commons License

    Owen Barfield / The Year Participated
    Copyright © 1985 Rudolf Steiner Press
    With the kind permission of Rudolf Steiner Press

    Giovanni Romano Colazza
    Copyright © 
    With the kind permission by way of Marina Sagramora 

    Ove Frankel
    Copyright © 2012
    With the kind permission of Ove Frankel 

    John F Gardner
    Copyright © 1995 John F Gardner
    With the kind permission by way of Sandy Littell

    Doorlie Gerdes
    Copyright © Doorlie Gerdes 
    Re-printed without explicit permission

    Arne Krohn Nielsen & Eivind Thomassen
    Copyright © Arne Krohn Nielsen/Eivind Thomassen

    Anna-Lisa Lundkvist & Margaret Langen-Riedel
    Copyright © Antroposofiska Bokförlaget, Stockholm
    With the kind permission of Antroposofiska Bokförlaget

    Lennart & Anne Marie Lundström
    Copyright © 1978 Lennart & Anne Marie Lundström
    With the kind permission of Lennart Lundström

    William & Liselotte Mann
    Copyright © 1990 Roswitha Spence
    With the kind permission of Hawthorn Press

    Tom Mellett / The American Translation
    Copyright © Tom Mellett
    With the kind permission of Tom Mellett

    Hans Möller
    Copyright © Antroposofiska Bokförlaget, Stockholm
    With the kind permission of Antroposofiska Bokförlaget

    Creative Commons LicensePierre Paccoud
    Copyright © 2007 Pierre Paccoud
    With the kind permission of Pierre Paccoud, licensed under a Creative Commons License.

    Ruth & Hans Pusch
    Copyright © 1982 The Anthroposophic Press
    With the kind permission of The Anthroposophic Press

    Simonne Rihouët-Coroze
    Copyright © 1994 Editions Anthroposophiques Romandes, Genève
    With the kind permission of Editions Anthroposophiques Romandes

    Nora Rodríguez Galíndez
    Copyright © 2001 Nora Rodríguez Galíndez
    With the kind permission of Nora Rodríguez Galíndez

    John Victor Roy
    Copyright © 2007 The Glasgow Steiner School
    With the kind permission of John Victor Roy

    Roy Sadler
    Copyright © Roy Sadler
    With the kind permission of Roy Sadler

    John Salter
    Copyright © 2003 John Salter
    With the kind permission by ways of François Gaillemin

    Creative Commons LicenseMarcel Solca / The AngloGerman Paraphrase
    Copyright © 1999 by Marcel Solca, licensed under a
    Creative Commons License

    Creative Commons LicenseMarcel Solca / De 52 veckospråken
    Copyright © 2019 by Marcel Solca, licensed under a
    Creative Commons License

    Dr DJ Starman
    Copyright © 1999 Durward J Starman (alias)
    With the kind permission of Durward J Starman

    Versions of The Calendar of the Soul Online
    CS Booklet (An electronic representation)
    If you prefer to use the CS Booklet, a version created to resemble commonly used paperbooklets of The Calendar of the Soul, you can (find it here). Be sure to Bookmark that exact link for an up-to-date view of the current verse of the week. You will find more options when clicking the logo on the upper right of the CS Booklet.
    CS Lite (Just the verses)
    If you prefer to use CS Lite, find it here. Bookmark the URL for direct use. Please note that settings, such as Dating Plan and Translation, have to be done in the main application or in the CS Booklet to be working in CS Lite. Indeed, CS Lite simply shows the Verse of the Week. To shift Light/Dark mode, click the Yin/Yang symbol in the middle of the screen.
    CS Retro
    The Retro version, the former main version of The Calendar of the Soul, originally from 1994, has been entirely discontinued in 2021!

    About Dating plans (DPs)
    How to use the dating plans *
    "Our desire is to express in the Calendar the objective fact of the birth of the Ego. We reckon from the Mystery of Golgotha, hence from Easter to Easter, not from one New Year's Day to the next. This has been the cause of derision and mockery, because it compels us to reckon with years of unequal length. But in what is unequal there is life; in what is uniform and fixed there is the impress of death, and our Calendar is intended to be a creative impulse for life."
    Rudolf Steiner
    Cologne 1912

    When simply browsing among the verses of The Calendar of the Soul, no particular dating plan is needed. However, a dating plan's configuration becomes useful when immersing oneself in the verses during a longer period of time as the Calendar of the Soul displays certain verses on certain days and the importance of a plan becomes obvious and essential when following it through the course of the year on a regular basis.

    The Calendar of the Soul offers a variety of Dating Plans (DP's) with different premises, approaches, purposes and outcomes. They all follow the Gregorian dates table, which is based upon the Vernal Equinox known as the official Vernal Equinox (dated March 21) and the full moon known as the official full moon (the Paschal Full Moon) - in other words: Western Easter (Easter according to the Gregorian calendar) occurring the day according to the currently used calendars. Some dating plans recognize some annual festivals as indicators (or clues) corresponding to certain verses of The Calendar of the Soul, whereby dating plans can be adjusted. Some dating plans do not. (For more information about dating and adjustments, learn about the different dating plans below). Dating Plans can be quickly changed via the Instant Access menu (clicking/tapping on the CS logo top left) where the numbers in brackets show the verse number of the week the respective Dating Plan is in.

    The verses (meditations) of The Calendar of the Soul cover the 52 (+/-) weeks of the year beginning at Easter, ending at Holy Saturday, which gives us the possibility of four different numbers of days from Easter to Easter: 350 days (50 weeks), 357 days (51 weeks), 378 days (54 weeks) and 385 days (55 weeks). In other words, there will never be 364 days (52 weeks) at disposal to contain the 52 verses 7 days a week.

    In the original booklets containing the 52 verses, each verse was either accompanied by a certain date and/or a given week of the year beginning with Easter. The Calendar of the Soul, according to Rudolf Steiner, should always begin at Easter Sunday and end on Holy Saturday, the April 1st dating plan being an exception mentioned below. Such an Easter-to-Easter year he named "The Year of the Self" (YotS) and the first verse of the 1912 calendar was the verse he assigned to the week beginning with Easter Sunday. This verse he called the verse of the first week after Easter.

    When asked about the change of dates from year to year due to the movable date of Easter, Rudolf Steiner emphasized that what mattered was to begin with the first verse at Easter. "The change of dates is not of great importance, since three successive verses of The Calendar of the Soul are kept in the same mood." Whichever dating plan used, this makes way for any reasonably scheduled dating plan to sync with the original intentions of dating The Calendar of the Soul verses, from which the initial dates that can be found in various printed reissues and facsimiles originate.

    When initializing the Calendar of the Soul Online application, the verse of the current week according to a certain dating plan will always be the one displayed by default. This can also be achieved from within the app when clicking/tapping the title bar.

    There are various dating plans (DPs) to choose from (see the following sections):
    * The Current DP of 2024/25
    Since Rudolf Steiner's intention was to begin the Calendar of the Soul's course through the year with the first verse at the movable date of Easter Sunday and ending it with the fifty-second verse the week just before subsequent Easter Sunday, the verses have to be dated differently every year in order to meet his intentions approximately.

    The Calendar of the Soul Online's DP of the current year (2024/25), aside from aiming at fulfilling these intentions, goes a step further in that it, as the original DP suggests, pays respect to fixing certain verses to recurring festivals such as Ascension, Whitsunday, Midsummer's Day/St John's Tide Day, Michaelmas, Christmas and Lent, which makes this DP the one to recommend.

    ✔ You are currently using this DP
    * The Equalization DP of 2024/25
    Since Rudolf Steiner's intention was to begin the Calendar of the Soul's course through the year with the first verse at the movable date of Easter Sunday and ending it with the fifty-second verse the week just before subsequent Easter Sunday, the verses have to be dated differently every year in order to meet his intentions of dating the verses.

    The 2024/25 Equalization DP aims at fulfilling these intentions but does not intentionally synchronize with recurring festivals other than Easter. However, it offers the possibility to examine a previously unexplored dating method that has a slightly different approach on dating the verses than traditional practice, trailing the traditional Current Dating Plan with two verses/weeks at the most.

    The eclectic Equalization DP divides the entire year between Easter and succeeding Easter into 52 equally long periods of time down to seconds, still making both ends meet at midnight between Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday, which is almost impossible to achieve without computing. The aforementioned 350 days, 357 days, 378 days or 385 days that elapse between Easter feasts, give us four different possibilities of shortened or prolonged weeks (2 decimals): 6,73 days/week, 6,87 days/week, 7,27 days/week and 7,40 days/week.

    Eq is a variable measure with a scale based on percentages whose length is determined by the effective time that elapses between Easter feasts. Thus, the Eq interval is a variable measure as well. It is a time segment made of the effective time that elapses between the verses, which is the so called Year of the Self divided with 52 verses.

    This DP requires that the exact amount of time (at least down to seconds) between dates of Easter occurring every year be known. In order to follow The Calendar of the Soul in a continuously equable rhythm throughout the years, the Equalization DP is the one to recommend.

    Apart from Easter, the Equalization DP does not recognize the annual festivals as indicators (or clues) corresponding to certain verses of The Calendar of the Soul, which makes them coincide with respective verses only incidentally. However, beginning the dating with Easter Sunday, makes each verse related to a specific event be close at hand and using this dating method there will never be a gap or an overlap between the 52nd verse of the year and the 1st verse of the year that will follow.

    It has to be mentioned that all dating plans, sooner or later, require certain adjustments to be done, mainly by including or excluding one or more days in order to make the verses fix to certain festivals or to fit the length of the entire year.

    Throughout the Calendar of the Soul's Equalization DP of 2024/25 the Eq interval (the interval between the verses) is approximately 7 days 9 hrs 41 mins and 32 secs.

    When reading the current verse according to the Equalization DP, click/tap the small Eq DP label at the top right hand for extensive Equalization information. If hovering over the label, the remaining time until the next verse will be displayed.

    You are welcome to try out the Eq DP and get involved! Is this an acceptable dating method? Does it comply with what you find necessary as a foundation for a reasonable way of dating the Calendar of the Soul verses? Is there something you wish to add or to be changed? Would you like to contribute with your own experiences? Share your thoughts by email. Find contact info at the bottom of the main page!

    * The Sundays DP of 2024/25
    Since Rudolf Steiner's intention was to begin the Calendar of the Soul's course through the year with the first verse at the movable date of Easter Sunday and ending it with the fifty-second verse the week just before subsequent Easter Sunday, the verses have to be dated differently every year in order to meet his intentions of dating the verses.

    The Sundays DP will always aim at fulfilling these intentions but does not intentionally synchronize with recurring festivals other than Easter. It is a straight-forward DP in that it presents a new verse every Sunday, 52 verses in succession if the number of weeks of the Year of the Self were 52 weeks, which never occurs. If the Year of the Self lasts 50 or 51 weeks, subsequent verses after Easter will override the remaining verse(s) when a new year begins. If it lasts 54 or 55 weeks, it will display the 52nd verse during the remaining week(s) until subsequent Easter. No prolongation of weeks will be applied for any other verse than, if necessary, verse 52. No verse will be disregarded other than, if necessary, verses 51 and/or 52.
    When reading the current verse according to the Sundays DP, click/tap the small Sundays DP label at the top right hand for more extensive information.

    The drawback of this DP (as mentioned above): There may be more or less weeks than the 52 verses, which you have to deal with by yourself in the best possible way.

    * The Resuming DP
    The Resuming DP lets you participate on your own terms, at your own pace, picking up where you left off. Choose the Resuming DP in Preferences or via the Instant Access menu (clicking/tapping on the CS logo top left) and either the last displayed verse or the verse stamped manually to be resumed will be shown by default.

    Stamping a verse manually for the purpose of making it stand out and study it particularly is also made possible while using other Dating plans, provided AutoResume is not checked, although the resumeable verse will only show when the Resuming Dating plan is activated. Read more about it clicking the Info button top right of the verses.

    Note: The Resuming DP will only resume a certain verse and will not store certain translations if changed after a resume stamp.

    * The April 1st DP of 2024/25
    Rudolf Steiner mentioned that one could date the verses starting with April 1 to achieve a periodical DP running from year to year. This DP requires no further planning. One year, according to the Gregorian calendar, has approximately 52 weeks in that 365 days divided by 7 days equals 52.1428571 weeks, on a leap year 366 days divided by 7 days equals 52.2857 weeks. Since the Calendar of the Soul contains 52 verses, this DP seems to be straight forward. Nevertheless, being just one of many different ways of dating the April 1st variation, there are some adjustments to be made to keep the April 1st DP proportional toward other DPs, toward itself and toward leap year occurrences. This version of the April 1st DP is adjusted to make verses 12, 26 and 38 coincide with St. John (Midsummer), St. Michael and Christmas.
    A significant drawback: This DP does not meet Rudolf Steiner's fundamental intentions of distributing the verses throughout the Year of the Self nor do the latest dates of Easter between April 22 and April 25 (when occurring) meet the intention of three verses being kept in the same mood as Rudolf Steiner's initial intentions of dating the verses do suggest. It is therefore not of great interest to follow this DP, which makes it supposedly be of historical interest only.
    When reading the current verse according to the April 1st DP, click/tap the small April 1st DP label at the top right hand for more extensive information about the distribution of the April 1st DP.

    * The DP of 1925/26
    This DP differs quite a bit from the DP's of 1912/13 and 1918/19 below, in that Rudolf Steiner in this specific update to fit the year of 1925/26, valid from just a fortnight after his death, seems to have favored a straight forward Sundays Dating Plan with a 7 days interval throughout the Year of the Self adding just an eighth day for the final 52nd verse to make ends meet on Holy Saturday, a fact that was mainly possible specifically for this rather unique time span. Although being out of date (current dates rarely coincide with the ones given in 1925/26) and supposedly of historical interest only, this DP meets the so-called Current DP quiet well, in that the latter is (or at least can be) based mainly on the same principles.

    * The DP of 1918/19
    This DP differs slightly from the DP of 1912/13 below, from which Rudolf Steiner made a specific update for this special edition published to fit the year of 1918/19. Although being out of date (current dates rarely coincide with the ones given in 1918/19) and supposedly of historical interest only, this DP meets the so-called Current DP quiet well, in that the latter is based mainly on the same principles.

    * The DP of 1912/13
    It is also possible to use the original DP, which means the original dates that were valid in 1912/13, when the Calendar of the Soul was published for the first time. Although being out of date (current dates rarely coincide with the ones given in 1912/13) and supposedly of historical interest only, this DP meets the so-called Current DP quiet well, in that the latter is based mainly on the same principles.

    * The Random DP
    The Random DP picks a verse at random, whenever visiting The Calendar of the Soul Online or when clicking/tapping the title bar or the randomly generated verse numbers at the bottom of the drop-down Random DP info box.

    How to choose a different DP
    Choose one of the available DPs either in the Instant Access menu (top left) or in Preferences (top right) corner of the verse display window. A DP will always persist until change.
    The Southern Hemisphere
    For visitors living in the Southern Hemisphere: In order to start the Calendar of the Soul Online showing the verse for the Southern Hemisphere by default, choose Southern Hemisphere in the top left Instant Access menu or in Preferences and use the Opposite verse button [O] to toggle between the Southern and the opposite Northern Hemisphere verse.

    The term Southern Hemisphere View is a somehow hypothetical way of approximately reversing the active dating method to fit for the Southern Hemisphere. The verses for the Southern Hemisphere, as dated by The Calendar of the Soul Online, follow the currently used interval of the Northern Hemisphere, reversed to a simple, straight forward Southern Hemisphere displacement and the Eq Dating Plan is highly recommended for this purpose.

    Sergei O. Prokofieff, in his "The Cycle of the Year as a Path of Initiation Leading to an Experience of the Christ Being: An Esoteric Study" referred to Fred Poeppig receiving the following answer when Rudolf Steiner was asked about the Southern hemisphere question: "The weekly verses of the Soul Calendar must be switched round to be used in accordance with the seasonal rhythms of the particular locality" and adds that the opposite verse must then be included in order to restore the correspondence.

    Operating instructions
    How to know where to and where not to click/tap
    For use with a computer-based webbrowser the solution is "Hovering before clicking". Simply hover the cursor (without clicking) above an expected clickable object, a button or an area. An explanation of that object will be displayed before clicking. Smartphones do not have this advantage.
    How to use and explain the Title Bar
    A click/tap on the Title Bar at the top of the main page (the window that displays the verse) will always allow you to instantly display the verse of the week that has been assigned according to the currently selected dating plan (DP).

    A click/tap on the logo icon on the left of the title bar will instantly give you access to the features shown in the below image on the left.

    A click/tap on the gear icon on the right of the title bar will allow you to instantly access Preferences as well as the possibility to adjust the calendar window width (see below image on the right).

    How to browse the verses in either direction
    Click/tap the left or right on the verses that will always be displayed at the top of the main page.

    For demonstration purposes, you may activate visible Click and swipe areas in the Navigation configuration section of Preferences to get an idea of the swipeable and clickable/tappable area.
    How to swipe the verses in either direction
    To swipe left or right instead of clicking left or right, you may activate the Swipe areas in Preferences which will enable swiping in the verse section. This results in elimination of usual scroll and zoom-in/zoom-out gestures and scrolling will only be possible on the verse section's left and right peripherals.

    Note: The left/right swipe and click/tap area are only active on the verse section. All other sections will not be affected. If not sure what this is about, it is recommended to omit use of swipeable areas and just click left/right to navigate.

    For demonstration purposes, you may activate visible Click and swipe areas in Preferences to get an idea of the swipeable and clickable/tappable area.
    How to choose a certain verse
    Click/tap the Verse select box on the lower row of the buttons panel at the bottom of the page and make your choice.
    How to choose (or switch to) another translation
    Click/tap the Translation select box on the upper row of the buttons panel at the bottom of the page and make your choice.
    How to set the favourite default translation
    Your current selection will always be your default translation until you make another choice. This option has been made possible thanks to contributions of donators. Thank you!
    How to only show Rudolf Steiner's original verse in German
    To have no translation displayed at all (which means that only Rudolf Steiner's original verse in German will be displayed), click/tap the Translation select box on the upper row of the buttons panel at the bottom of the page and choose Steiner (Deutsch) only.
    How to only show Rudolf Steiner's Outlines of the original verses in German
    To have only these displayed, click/tap the Translation select box on the upper row of the buttons panel at the bottom of the page and choose Steiner (Outlines) only.
    How to make either the original or translated verse appear first
    Check Translation first in Preferences after clicking/tapping the CS menu at the top right corner of the verse display window. This determines if the translation is shown first (above the German original) or the other way around.
    More information about each translation
    Translation information is displayed after clicking the ( I ) Info-button top right of the verse.

    About the panel and the panel options
    How to make the panel appear/disappear
    Click/tap the red or the green Eye symbol in the panel to show/hide the panel.
    This can be activated/deactivated either on the panel itself or in Preferences.
    How to make the panel appear/disappear on request
    The buttons panel, while hidden, will become visible instantly, when hovering or tapping over the imaginary area of it. Although (on mobile phones) it requires some training to locate the hidden panel, this function offers a cleaner and more compact look.
    How to make the Panel float above the scrolling text alternatively stick and scroll at the bottom of the calendar content
    Toggle click/tap the Float symbol to make the panel float above the scrolling text alternatively at the bottom of the calendar content.
    These options can be switched between either on the panel itself or in Preferences.

    About other options on the panel
    How to switch to the corresponding verse (C)
    Click/tap the Corresponding verse button [C] on the lower row of the buttons panel at the bottom to toggle between the pair of corresponding verses (aka mirroring verses). When starting with verse one at Easter for the very first time, it is recommended to omit using the corresponding verse until reaching the 27th verse. The corresponding verse will then be corresponding as the year's second half starts with verse #27: Verse #26 will correspond with it and verse 28 will correspond with verse 25 and so on.

    For each week that passes, the corresponding verses reappearing in descending succession, will equally complement the verses in ascending succession. Once this process is chosen to be activated for the first time (preferably around Michaelmas), every week will have the two corresponding qualities of these verse pairs even thereafter.

    Note: The Corresponding verse may not be confused with the Opposite verse mentioned below.
    How to switch to the opposite verse (O)
    Click/tap the Opposite verse button [O] on the lower row of the buttons panel at the bottom to toggle between the pair of opposite verses. For each week that passes, the opposite verse will equally counterpoint the current verse.
    How to display the Corresponding verses in a pair or in a group of four together with the Opposite verses on a permanent basis.
    Corresponding and opposite verses form a set of four verses related to and either corresponding or counterpointing each other. The best way to experience their relation is by activating the sets of complementary verses in Preferences.

    The 2 Complementary Verses Set displays the basic verse along with its corresponding verse.

    The 4 Complementary Verses Set displays the aforementioned 2 verses along with their opposite verses, forming the aforementioned set of four verses.

    As an option, it is also possible to omit the already displayed "basic" verse, the verse that the corresponding verse and the opposite verses depend on in this regard, since the basic verse has been displayed at the top already.
    Your BirthVerse
    BirthVerse is part of the Calendar of the Soul's Equalization, April 1st and Sundays dating plans, all three being identically recurring dating plans for every year. The formula calculates which date a verse has been, is or will be the current verse according to the chosen dating plan. So, which is your BirthVerse?

    Note: Using different DPs may, obviously, give different BirthVerses, since every plan has a different approach on how to date the verses. Once saved, your BirthVerse will feature a star at the top left hand side and in the verse select box at the bottom.
    Please note: Calculation of BirthVerses according to manually dated plans have to be done manually according to the information displayed in the list of Easter Dates. (Find it here)

    About Preferences
    How to adjust the application to your preferences
    Click/tap the symbol at the bottom left side of the Buttons Panel or at the top right corner of the verse display window. You then will be able to choose from all options available in Preferences.
    Preferences manual
    With the exception of occasional references in this manual as well as descriptional instructions and comments in Preferences, the Preferences themselves are not touched in depth in this manual. It is recommended that you take a look at options offered and make changes and/or adjustments by trial and error. There is nothing that can't be readjusted.

    The mainly used font, Sophia, is used by kind permission of Lutz Baar and can be found at FontSpace. The Drop Caps feature the Calligraffitti font which can be found at FontSpace as well. The Typewriter Font is used by courtesy of oNline Web Fonts and is licensed by CC BY 3.0.
    How to turn The Calendar of the Soul Online Web Applications into a Mobile Phone Home Screen App
    When adding one of the applications to your mobile phone's or tablet's Home Screen, it may look and work similar to native mobile phone apps, if preferred. To accomplish that, your browser most likely provides an Add to Home Screen or equivalent option. If you are not familiar with how to use it, please check the following step by step instructions at Make Tech Easier's informative site:

    For Apple iOS devices, read this!
    For Google Android devices, read this!
    Internet connection
    An active Internet connection is required at all times. Slow execution may most likely be the result of a slow Internet connection but could as well be caused by the device you are using.
    Latest updates
    Update logs and information have been discontinued. When significant system developments have been finalized, a new version letter and/or number will be visible on the panel at the bottom of the front page.

    The Calendar of the Soul Online is a Web Application that is always up to date. It is subject to spontaneous development without further notice at any given time, why minor disturbances may occur. This way, The Calendar of the Soul Online is always up to date via Nightly Updates and no particular updates need to be downloaded or installed. (See Internet connection above).
    The following requests and/or suggestions for additions have been stated and will be "possible" additions to The Calendar of the Soul Online in the future (already implemented requests have been removed):

  • Common dating of the Zodiac
  • Common dating of the Virtues

    The following requests for additions will not be added in a near future:

  • The calendar of personalities and saints.
  • The explicit meditations

    For requests, please send an email. Find contact info at the bottom of the main page!
  • Security and privacy
    In order to use The Calendar of the Soul Online, JavaScript must be activated at all times and Cookies have to be accepted at all times in order to offer you the best possible experience at The Calendar of the Soul Online. No third party Cookies are used! See all active cookies of The Calendar of the Soul here.

    SSL encryption technology is used to establish a secure connection between The Calendar of the Soul and your web browser.

    Click/tap here to confirm your agreement.
    Problem (Chrome based web app only)
    When changing DP and/or Hemisphere, the web app opens a new window (possibly with a different Color setting).

    This may occasionally occur due to an internal conflict within the web app after a calendar system update.

    Clearing Cache memory will have no effect. Instead, delete the Calendar of the Soul Online web app and reinstall it.
    How to get in touch with the creator of The Calendar of the Soul Online
    The Calendar of the Soul Online is a non-profit initiative residing in Sweden, an initiative that operates without commercial profit interests. The main mission of The Calendar of the Soul Online is to make way for a living and versatile relationship towards the Calendar of the Soul and (where applied) some other work given by Rudolf Steiner and the careholder of this initiative is Marcel Solca. That's me! Feel free to send me a m. Find contact info at the bottom of the main page!

    Please report any bugs by sending an email. Find contact info at the bottom of the main page!

    Do you have suggestions on how to develop The Calendar of the Soul Online? Would you like to contribute with your own translation? Please send an email. Find contact info at the bottom of the main page!

    Note: The Calendar of the Soul Online is always a work in progress!
